Partnering with Park Derochie provides a significant end-to-end benefit where the value-added throughout the coating process is carried through the projects life cycles.
Park Derochie works closely with the paint manufacturers to ascertain the best coating to serve clients’ needs by determining all necessary criteria; these include the internal and external temperatures, environmental conditions, erosion factors, life expectancy of the coating, cure time, and more. We are committed to supplying trained, skilled labour which is why all of our Supervisors are AMPP C3 certified and our organization is backed by additional AMPP certifications. We’re the first Canadian organization to hold 4 AMPP (QP1, QP2, QP3, and QP6) qualifications and one of a few companies in the world with TSA application (QP6) certification.
Park Derochie has established a reputation for delivering on every element of a project without sacrificing on safety and quality. That includes all aspects of the project starting with bidding, how to execute the project safely, meeting and exceeding quality requirements, and a complete turnover package put in the hands of the client. Next, we work closely with paint manufacturers to determine the best coating to serve the client’s needs keeping in mind what the coating is protecting the steel from, what the coating will be in contact with, internal and external temperature, and much more. We want to cultivate long-term relationships to become the client’s personal coatings expert.

With over 60 years of experience in the application of internal and external paint coating, as well as having successfully completed a single tank coating project in excess of $24 million, we have earned the reputation of Alberta’s largest tank coating contractor. Our large industrial heaters and dehumidification equipment allows us to apply coatings year-round. Equipment, along with our ability to provide experienced, well-trained trades-people gives us the unique distinction of being the most capable winter works coatings contractor in North America.
We specialize in the removal and containment of existing lead-based paint and the subsequent application of modern, high-performance coating systems. This often involves working with the operating public parks and waterways under and around the structure as well as the facilitation of a safe traffic control system. In addition, we offer complete scaffolding and hoarding services for projects of any size or shape.

Thermal Sprayed Coatings (Metalizing)
An enhanced alternative protective coating for structural steel on bridges, piping & vessels in environments of Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI), or vessels in aggressive service conditions. With the appropriate metal or alloy selection and coating thickness, the longevity of TSC’s significantly outperform paint alone. A single-layer thermal sprayed coating can provide a service life up to 40 years or greater.
At Park Derochie, we offer leading-edge technology and equipment for shop and field applied TSC’s, utilizing Arc-Spray and Thermal-Spray methods. We have over 20 years of experience in shop and field settings, spraying 20,000+ square meters.
As an AMPP QP6 accredited company, Park Derochie has the primary technical capabilities and organizational structure to do metallizing work to a high standard.
Park Derochie has the ability to maintain proper containment, handle and dispose of waste, while protecting our employees. Our team (shop & field) are trained, well equipped, and have proper knowledge in documentation, handling, removal methods (e.g. abrasive blasting, high-pressure watching, vacuum blasting, chemical stripping, and vacuum shrouded power tool cleaning), and transportation of hazardous waste.

Secondary containment helps prevent serious environmental problems from occurring because of tank releases. While the tank coating itself is vital to minimize the potential for leaks, secondary containment is an important safeguard.
With company environmental awareness, we are proud to offer secondary containment installation services. Our focus is to provide adaptability to various applications, shorten construction time, and cost effectiveness.
Park Derochie has developed a push/pull method to abrasive blast clean the inside of various sizes of tubes. This method employs a conventional abrasive blasting unit installed on one end exchanger and a VecLoader vacuum installed on the other. This allows Park Derochie to clean an exchanger while avoiding health and safety concerns for other contractors in the immediate area.

At Park Derochie we offer a complete package to successfully manage your CUI issues. We have the capability, infrastructure, technology, experience and expertise to safely handle all client requirements. Through client partnerships, advance planning and engineered coating systems, we strive to fulfill your needs safer, faster, and less costly than any other coating contractor.
- Thermal Spray Application/Metalizing
- Liquid Coatings
- Abrasive Media Blasting
- Scaffolding
- Hoarding
- Insulation
- Tape Wrap
- Lead Abatement
We offer the following services:
- Abrasive Blasting
- Wet Blasting/Vapor Blasting
- Water Jetting
- Water Washing
- Bridges
- Lead Paint Removal
- Tanks
- Pipelines
- Water Towers
- Rail Cars
- Concrete
- Pipe, Steel & Vessels
- Mechanical Equipment
- Tube Cleaning
- Maintenance Turnarounds

Utilizing a combination of abrasive media and water drastically reduces harmful effects to the environment and is particularly beneficial in tight or high traffic areas where containment is difficult, or even impossible. Our units allow for reduced set up and clean up times with better, faster cleaning. We specialize in water jetting (ranging from 10,000 psi to 40,000 psi) and are also capable of water washing with 2,000 psi - 5,000 psi units.
Our completed projects
Learn more about our Coating projects