Park Derochie is committed to the health and safety of our employees, clients, contractors, visitors and the general public. Park Derochie works in the spirit of consultation with our employees in the continual improvement, promotion and implementation of our Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems.
Park Derochie utilizes the Plan-Do-Check-Act model for the control and continual improvement of our management systems and processes.
Park Derochie believes our positive health & safety culture and business successes are achieved through our valued employees. Our Health, Safety and Environmental systems are annually assessed with a focus on continual improvement. Leadership at all levels within Park Derochie are committed to operational, health, safety, and environmental excellence.
Park Derochie HSE Keys To Success:
- Health & Safety Management Systems (SMS) meets the Certificate of Recognition (COR) requirements for the following provinces of operation: AB, BC, MB, ON, SK
- Park Derochie’s Environmental Management System (EMS) is developed on the ISO 14000; 2015 framework
- Implementation of an electronic Quality, Health, Safety, Environmental and Training (QHSET) platform eCompliance ( providing real-time monitoring of completed QHSET activities, trends, statistics, and “at a glance” actionable information
- Collection of meaningful and actionable Leading and Lagging data in support of organizational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Management Visibility Program (MVP) designed to increase management visibility and workforce interactions with the purpose of continual improvement of Park Derochie’s standards
- I-CARE reporting designed to provide employees, contractors and visitors the opportunity to engage in the proactive organizational health and safety culture by reporting:
- At-risk Behaviours
- Near Misses
- Hazard Identification
- Opportunities for Improvement
- Positive Observations
- Utilization of an industry-leading 3rd party medical service provider to assist in the management of workplace injuries or illnesses by ensuring workers receive the appropriate medical assessment and care, in support of timely recovery and full return to work
Investing in our Community and Giving Back
It has always been a strong belief that investing in our community is as important as investing in the people within the company. We believe that supporting Health, Wellness and Education builds stronger, healthier individuals who in turn ‘pay it forward’, creating stronger communities.
We support:
– School Programs
– Amateur Sport
– Community Programs
– Health Foundations
– Charities
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